Long Term Care Link

The National Care Planning Council and Long Term Care Link - A Comprehensive Resource for Eldercare, Senior Care, and Long Term Care Planning
Updated: 2 hours 21 min ago
What Is Survivors Pension with Aid and Attendance
Survivors Pension, also known as Death Pension, is a disability income program available to the single surviving spouse and/or dependent children of a deceased veteran who served during a period of war.
What Is the Difference between Conservatorship and Guardianship
Sometimes it may be necessary to pursue a conservatorship or guardianship for a person who is not able to make or communicate decisions. Unlike a power of attorney, an individual appointed as a conservator or guardian can make decisions on behalf of the person being protected and those decisions cannot be overridden by the protected person.
How Can You Get Money Out of Life Insurance Without Dying
A life settlement, or senior settlement, as they are sometimes called, involves selling an existing life insurance policy to a third party, a person or an entity other than the company that issued the policy, for more than the policy's cash surrender value, but less than the net death benefit.
Government Only Pays for Only about 16 Percent of Long Term Care
Government programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Veterans Administration will cover the cost of long-term care under certain conditions.
Medical Care Decisions Prior to Death
No one in this country dies from old age.
Why Do You Need to Review and Update Your Beneficiary Arrangements
Beneficiary designations at death take precedence over the provisions of a will or trust.
Some Ideas on How to Avoid Probate
Probate avoidance is not as important as it used to be because of the many states that are bypassing the formal probate process with simplified options.
Elder Mediation Services
It is amazing how quickly formerly cordial relationships between family members will sour when the family has to deal with care of elderly parents or inheritance at their death.
Financial Abuse of Senior Citizens
Roughly 35 percent of the 25 million persons in the U.S. at age 71 or above have mild cognitive impairment or dementia, according to a Duke University study.
Will Medicaid Take Away Your Home
Federal law allows states to recover money spent on behalf of the Medicaid beneficiary.
The Value of Life Insurance for the Final Years
Life insurance for the final years of life is generally a good thing.
Understanding Powers of Attorney
A power of attorney is a legal instrument.
Elder Law and Estate Planning Advice
Many aging seniors rely entirely on family or other trusted individuals to help them.
Why should I use an Elder Law Attorney
As the population of our country ages more people will need help with legal or planning issues unique to aging seniors.
Attitudes towards Aging often Affect Health
This article uses the term aging seniors and final years of life frequently.
Attitudes towards Aging often Affect Health
Among the myriad of wonderful ideas available to caregivers for coping with the care of a loved one, some strategies that can influence the attitude of care recipients are often neglected.
Adult Day Care Services
The original concept was to provide a sitting service.
How Does Guardianship Help an Aging Senior?
A guardian is an agency or person legally appointed to manage the affairs of an individual who lacks the capacity to make responsible decisions concerning his or her personal matters.
Plan for Long Term Care Before You Need It
Long Term Care Planning is the process of preparing for and funding long term care.
Seniors and Retirees, Consider Using a Reverse Mortgage to Supplement Income
For many seniors and retirees, the hard-earned equity in their home is their single largest asset, yet it is unavailable to use unless they take out a home-equity loan.